He was my umbrella
He protected me from misery and pain
He moved every obstacle in my path
He always told me “it will be ok insha Allaah”
When I looked, he was always there
for me
he hardly left me
He spend his time with me
He seized my fears
He strengthened my will
He removed my doubts
He raised my security
His shoulder was mine

I could depend on him
He showed up out of nowhere...
And warmed my freezing heart
Freed my trapped mind
Never broke his promise to me
He made my life bright, effortless
He made me sleep with ease, whilst the world was collapsing on me
He would have protected me from bullets
He promised he will be there
until His Owner took him back
My umbrella from the storm
Ow Allah forgive him
have mercy on him
pardon him
accept his deeds
O Allah
Expand his grave
reward him for his goodness
He lit up my heart
Allaah give him a better home than the one he lit and left
Author Unknown
It was really beautiful poem. May Allah forgive your husband. Ameen. May Allah give guidance to all couple for living the life after marriage. We should learn such things to live peaceful life. Thanks
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